Sunday, December 29, 2019

The 5 Ethical Considerations in Sociological Research

Ethics are self-regulatory guidelines for making decisions and defining professions. By establishing ethical codes, professional organizations maintain the integrity of the profession, define the expected conduct of members, and protect the welfare of subjects and clients. Moreover, ethical codes give professionals direction when confronting ethical dilemmas or confusing situations. A case in point is a scientists decision whether to intentionally deceive subjects or inform them about the true risks or goals of a controversial but much-needed experiment. Many organizations, such as the American Sociological Association, establish ethical principles and guidelines. The vast majority of todays social scientists abide by their respective organizations ethical principles. 5 Ethical Considerations in Sociological Research The American Sociological Associations (ASAs) Code of Ethics sets forth the principles and ethical standards that underlie sociologists professional responsibilities and conduct. These principles and standards should be used as guidelines when examining everyday professional activities. They constitute normative statements for sociologists and provide guidance on issues that sociologists may encounter in their professional work. The ASA’s Code of Ethics contains five general principles and explanations. Professional Competence Sociologists strive to maintain the highest levels of competence in their work; they recognize the limitations of their expertise; and they undertake only those tasks for which they are qualified by education, training, or experience. They recognize the need for ongoing education in order to remain professionally competent; and they utilize the appropriate scientific, professional, technical, and administrative resources needed to ensure competence in their professional activities. They consult with other professionals when necessary for the benefit of their students, research participants, and clients. Integrity Sociologists are honest, fair, and respectful of others in their professional activities—in research, teaching, practice, and service. Sociologists do not knowingly act in ways that jeopardize either their own or others professional welfare. Sociologists conduct their affairs in ways that inspire trust and confidence; they do not knowingly make statements that are false, misleading, or deceptive. Professional and Scientific Responsibility Sociologists adhere to the highest scientific and professional standards and accept responsibility for their work. Sociologists understand that they form a community and show respect for other sociologists even when they disagree on theoretical, methodological, or personal approaches to professional activities. Sociologists value the public trust in sociology and are concerned about their ethical behavior and that of other sociologists that might compromise that trust. While endeavoring always to be collegial, sociologists must never let the desire to be collegial outweigh their shared responsibility for ethical behavior. When appropriate, they consult with colleagues in order to prevent or avoid unethical conduct. Respect for People’s Rights, Dignity, and Diversity Sociologists respect the rights, dignity, and worth of all people. They strive to eliminate bias in their professional activities, and they do not tolerate any forms of discrimination based on age; gender; race; ethnicity; national origin; religion; sexual orientation; disability; health conditions; or marital, domestic, or parental status. They are sensitive to cultural, individual, and role differences in serving, teaching, and studying groups of people with distinctive characteristics. In all of their work-related activities, sociologists acknowledge the rights of others to hold values, attitudes, and opinions that differ from their own. Social Responsibility   Sociologists are aware of their professional and scientific responsibility to the communities and societies in which they live and work. They apply and make public their knowledge in order to contribute to the public good. When undertaking research, they strive to advance the science of sociology and to serve the public good. References (2011). Ethics in Sociological Research.,articleId-26845.html American Sociological Association. (2011).

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Pro Affirmative Action Essay - 2153 Words

Affirmative action is a policy or a program that seeks to redress past discrimination of minorities through active measures in order to ensure equal opportunity, as in education and employment. In other words, it is policy that was established to hopefully eliminate racial preference and equalize the United States. The fight against discrimination has been a long lasting one that started with the case of Plessy vs. Ferguson, which ended in the desegregation of all schools (Ficker). Affirmative action was put into place in 1965 when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Executive Order that mandated government contractors to â€Å"take affirmative action† in all aspects of hiring and employing minorities (Brunner). Upon its arrival, the policy†¦show more content†¦The fact that, in most cases, a minority student will get accepted over a white student with the same or almost the same qualifications is causing controversy all over the nation. This is precisely the defin ition of affirmative action. In an excerpt titled Affirmative Action and the College Admissions Process from the book, 8 Steps to Help Black Families Pay For College, by Thomas and Will LaVeist, it is stated that, â€Å"affirmative action is meant to level the playing field and ensure that schools and businesses are not intentionally discriminating against minority groups.† This leveling of the playing field leads to the very broad generalization and misperception that the policy is allowing less-qualified minorities to take the place of the more-qualified whites. Two more cases that aroused much debate on the issue were the 2003 cases of Gratz vs. Bollinger and Grutter vs. Bollinger, in which two more-than-qualified students applied to the University of Michigan and were denied due to acceptance policies. The two women, Jennifer Gratz and Barbara Grutter, took their cases to the Supreme Court with the plea that the University of Michigan is â€Å"treating people differently based on skin color, and that is unconstitutional† (Mears). The university openly stated that they have a point system in their acceptance process in which students receive extra point if they are of minority status. Mary Sue Coleman, the president of the University of Michigan stated, â€Å"[W]eShow MoreRelatedEssay on Pro-Affirmative Action1059 Words   |  5 PagesPRO-AFFIRMATIVE ACTION What is it? Well affirmative action is, in plain text, the consideration of your class, race, gender, color, ethnicity, national origin, and disability when deciding who gets a certain job or admission into a school. If you are amenity applying for a job and there are other people that are applying as well then you will be considered for the job over one of the other people, even if they have more experience. It is not only for jobs, it is also used in any situationRead MoreAffirmative Action - Pros and Cons Essay1057 Words   |  5 PagesDiscussion of Affirmative Action Ââ€" Pros and Cons. Affirmative Action programming is seen by some as a mechanical remedy to past social conditions that penalized minority member applicants for employment, women, or persons with disabilities. In the United States, Affirmative Action has been seen as compensation for the exclusion of the African American community, in particular, and has been hoped to create upward mobility for more members of this sector. In this sense, Affirmative Action may haveRead More The Pros and Cons of Affirmative Action Essay3458 Words   |  14 Pages   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Affirmative action has been the topic of debate for many years. It has been controversial because it has been said to be a form of reverse discrimination. This paper will discuss the purpose behind affirmative action, as well as, its various strengths and weaknesses. Also, this paper will look at the following issues surrounding affirmative action such as the incompetency myth ( are companies hiring less qualified people?), the impa ct on employment (what has changed in the work place?), theRead MorePros and Cons of Affirmative Action Essay1185 Words   |  5 PagesAnalytical Paper 3 – Affirmative Action Introduction According to Raymond A. Noe, affirmative action is an organization’s active effort to find opportunities to hire or promote people in a particular group (Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 68). There are various arguments for and against affirmative action. Some believe that it gives certain groups of people an equal opportunity to find employment where they would otherwise be kicked under the rug. Others believe that even though it createsRead MoreAdvantages and Disadvantages of Affirmative Action Essay1667 Words   |  7 PagesExploratory Essay The Affirmative Action Debate Affirmative Action Defined Affirmative Action can be defined as â€Å"positive steps taken to increase the representation of women and minorities in areas of employment, education, and business from which they have been historically excluded (Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)†. However because those steps involve â€Å"preferential† selection affirmative action generates intense controversy (Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Affirmative ActionRead MoreAffirmative Action And The Civil Rights And Equal Opportunity Legislation Of The 1960s958 Words   |  4 PagesAffirmative action is a program that serves to rectify the effects of purportedly past societal discrimination by allocating jobs and opportunities to minorities and women. Affirmative action programs were an outgrowth of the 1950s and 1960s civil rights movements and the Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity legislation of the 1960s. Close to fifty years later, the practice of affirmative action has been at the vanguard of intense debate more than any other time in its history. Hardly a week goesRead MoreAffirmative Action : An Effective Organization1430 Words   |  6 Pageswriting Thesis/Support Essay Professor Jeffery Cahan 05/10/2016 Affirmative Action According to Merriam Webster, by definition â€Å"Affirmative Action is an active effort to improve the employment or educational opportunities of members of minority groups and women. Also similar effort to promote the rights or progress of other disadvantaged persons† Affirmative action has been a hot topic among some American citizens and government officials. â€Å"Affirmative action is the process of a businessRead More We Need Affirmative Action Essay1035 Words   |  5 Pages PRO-AFFIRMATIVE ACTION nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;What is it? Well affirmative action is, in plain text, the consideration of your class, race, gender, color, ethnicity, national origin, and disability when deciding who gets a certain job or admission into a school. If you are amenity applying for a job and there are other people that are applying as well then you will be considered for the job over one of the other people, even if they have more experience. It is not only for jobs, it is alsoRead MoreThe Supreme Court s Decision On Affirmative Action On The Fisher V. University Of Texas Case2292 Words   |  10 PagesThe newspaper article appears to be a news report about the Supreme Court’s decision on affirmative action on the Fisher v. University of Texas case. The purpose of this text is to inform readers about the decision and the view point of officials who agree and disagree with affirmative action, as well of those who are in between and those who don’t think we are close to solving t his issue. The author, Adam Liptak, focuses on writing about the United States Supreme Court, and is graduate from Yale;Read MoreDiversity Achievement Based From A South African Company1520 Words   |  7 Pagesin South Africa’s parliament’s 1998 Employee Equity Act (EE) (Act 55 of 1998), which according to its drafters was meant to: (i) eliminate unfair discrimination (i.e. in current employment and remuneration practices) and (ii) take positive or affirmative measures to attack, develop and retain individuals from previously disadvantaged groups. These groups are designated in the Act as â€Å"Blacks (Including Africans, Colored (mixed race) and Indians), women and people with disabilities.† DTI

Friday, December 13, 2019

Construction project Free Essays

Grant the Great Construction is a small construction company formed from the merger of Grant Thomas Construction Right Build International. The company has successfully operated in the Durham North Carolina area for the past ten years working on both small and large scale construction, repair, and alteration projects. With the business boom that is occurring in Greensboro and the desire to improve overall profit margins, the company is planning to shift its target market from residential clients to the larger commercial customers. We will write a custom essay sample on Construction project or any similar topic only for you Order Now This business plan will lay out our goals and tasks to make this transition successful. Grant the Great Construction strives to offer the finest quality design, site preparation, cost estimates, construction, repair, and alteration to clients needing large scale construction services. History Purpose working on both small and large scale construction, repair, and alteration projects.. Grant the Great Construction strives to offer the finest quality design, site preparation, cost estimates, construction, repair, and alteration to clients needing large scale construction services. Strengths Grant the Great Construction is a Design Build Firm. By being both owners to both esign the project and to construct the project. In some cases, the design is done in- house, but most often the Design-Builder engages the services of an outside architect as well as all of the subcontractors. As stated above, the intended result is that the project can be done more quickly because the construction can begin earlier in the process, even before the details are finalized. Weaknesses Being that Grant the Great Construction was built by merging two existing companies , there are different practices that each company has grown accustom to. Many of these differences can be overcome with proper advance planning and team eetings. We plan on building our company off the most successful practices of each company. Mission: Grant the Great Construction is dedicated to raising the levels of professionalism, integrity, ethical practice, and performance within the construction industry. Goal: 1. Establishing a strong and sustainable internal structure. 2. Developing a body of work and establishing a positive reputation. Strategy: As a new construction company we will invest in a model home and extensive packages of plans and images that clients can use to better understand what they’re aying for when they contract with Grant the Great Construction. Marketing Internet promotion method is the key to our success: We plan to market ourselves by emphasizing our name and unique solutions through internet promotion. An amount of $10,000 for the style of the web page has been included in the Start-up expenses with ongoing maintenance expenses approximated monthly. Our Focus is commercial building and renovation tasks as our initial and primary focus on marketplaces. We will use our completed tasks to display our personalized venture management software to potential clients. Organizational Plan How to cite Construction project, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Employee Relation

Question: Discuss about the Employee Relation Management Role in improvement of the performance of employee in the hospitality industry. Answer: Introduction: Employee relations are considered as customary of organizational functions and practices which resolve the problems related to human resource such as recruitment, recompense, etc. This paper state the result of recruitment and selection procedure on the performance of the employees in hotel industry. It must be noted, achievement of any organization relied on the ability of its employees and other manpower which conduct the operations of the business. Various incidents of history reflect the importance of recruitment and selection procedure for the purpose of determining the level of the performance of employee in an organization. Hospitality industry face different challenges related to the performance of employees because of the unconventional selection and placement procedure in context of poor policy while selecting the candidate, inconsistency in selection process, employment test and interview which is sidetracking, godfatherism and selection process which based on regional aspects, etc (Bako Kolawole, 2016). This study drives the impact of the recruitment and selection procedure on the performance of the employees in hospitality industry. Result of this study provides the correlation between the employee performance and recruitment and selection procedure. Objective and Purpose of the Study: The main purpose of this study is to understand the Employee Relation Management Role in improvement of the performance of employee in the hospitality industry. It is important to understand the effectiveness in the employee relationship activities and practices which are positively contributes towards the performance of employees. Literature Review: Role of HRM in hospitality industry: After considering the development of HR practices in the early 1970s, there is only single department which is known as personal department and this department deals with the workforce of the organization. In the late 70s, economy of the world changed steadily and organizations start considering the labor and workforce as most important resources of the organization. Concept related to human resource management initiated in the 1980s and over the next decade this concept will grew and developed (McGuire Jorgensen, 2010). In last few years, HRM has attracted attention in different fields because of its contribution in the effectiveness and efficiency of management of employee (Nickson, 2013). In todays global economy, business entity conducts their operations in a dynamic and fast changing environment. For the purpose of getting competitive advantage, achieving organizational strategic goals, and for adopting and respond the changes quickly, it is necessary for organizations to have professionals who conduct HRM practices in effective and efficient manner (Du Plessis, 2015). It is possible to deny the importance of HRM in the hospitality industry, and two facts are stated below which mainly highlight this importance: First fact stated that hospitality industry is the business which is directly related to the people and this business is customer driven and quality focused. In other words, human resources are considered as important asset of this business for achieving success and profitability. Generally, in hotel business maximum members of the workforce directly communicate with the guests such as waiters, waitress, receptionist, etc. and this workforce play most important role in achieving the business success. Service quality offered by the hotel depends not only on the skills of the staff but also on the attitude of the staff. Second fact is related to the finish product for which customer is paying to the business. Satisfaction of customer is usually affected with other elements also such as standard of food and beverage, accommodation, and other amenities provided by hotel. Therefore, it can be said that both skills and attitude of the workforce is important and must be considered by HRM professionals, if business wants to ensure customer satisfaction. This is he area in which role of HRM professionals is important. As stated by Boxall and Purcell (2011), HRM practices that are recruitment and selection play very important role in the work performance of the employees. Quality of employees performance clearly depends on the function of ability, motivation and opportunity. In other words, HR managers can intervene for the purpose of developing employee ability, motivations, and opportunity for the purpose of maximizing the work performance in the organization. Motivation refers to external and internal factors which actually encourage the employees to perform any job or task in well manner. The most important role of HR manager is to increase the level of employee motivation in the organization. According to Wilton (2011), it is important for HR managers to conduct the recruitment and selection procedure in such manner as it encourage the employees to perform with their full potential in the way desired by the organization. HR managers must understand the intrinsic and extrinsic factors such as financial incentives, recognition, satisfaction in job, and achievement because these factors help the organization in motivating their employees. As stated by Howes (2010), better communication and evaluation of personal needs of employees not only improves the motivation level but also results in best performance from the employees. According to Smith (2010), those hotels that are mainly focus on the development of their human resources results in more productive workforce. Organizations which are successful mainly consider the development skills and efforts taken by the organization for performing any assigned task. About recruitment and selection: Recruitment is considered as one of the major and most important function of HRM, and it helps the organization to attract and select best human resource for their organization. Recruitment is the function which includes those activities which are conducted by the organization for the purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees (Parry Wilson, 2009). Success of any organization indulged in service sector mainly rely on the human capital, and because off this it is important to recruit and select right people in the organization (Zheng, 2006). Raymond J. Stone (2005) in the fifth edition of his book stated that HRM defines recruitment as the process which seek and attract pool of applicants and from this pool organization select qualified candidates for job vacancies. As stated by to Arnold (1990), recruitment is considered as procedure which is conducted for searching the candidates for employment and also motivates the candidates to apply for jobs in the organization. It can be said that recruitment is the procedure which mainly sets connection between the employers and job seekers. In other words, it is a process which finds and attracts capable candidates for employment. Process of recruitment starts when new employees or workers are required by the organization, and this process ends when applications of new employees and workforce are submitted. Result in this context is a pool of application from which organization selects new application. On the other hand, selection is the process of choosing individuals from the pool of job applicants with necessary qualifications and competence for the purpose of filling the job position in the organization. It is the procedure through which job applicants are differentiated for the purpose of identifying those who have more chances of success in job. Following are the two reasons because of which selection is considered as most important function in the organization: Fist fact depends on the fact that performance of organization relied on individuals, and best method through which employees performance can be improved is hire those peoples who have competence and willingness to work in the organization. Cost related to recruitment and selection procedure is very important and for wrong selection organization pays much higher cost. Role of recruitment and selection strategy in work performance of the employee: Employees work performance in the hospitality industry can be measured by their attentiveness, friendliness, appearance, attitude, and the manner in which they perform their task. As stated by St-Onge, Morin, Bellehumeur, and Dupuis (2009), good work performance by employees results in high level of customer satisfaction because of which customer will go back and use the services of the hotel again. According to Watson (2008), success of any organization indulged in hospitality sector depends on the manner in which they manage and motive their employees, but different factors are present in the hotel which makes this task difficult for organization. First factor is related to the wages paid by hotels, which means hotel pay minimum wage rate to their employees or they only pay that much amount which is stated by labor law. This much amount is not sufficient for meeting the basic needs of the front-line employees in the organization. Second factor deals with the age factor, which means generally hotels hired employees of certain age. Some hotels hire younger employees and not prefer to hire older employees in their organization. This result in underperformance of the employees who are in an unfavorable age group and fails to perform with their best efforts because they feel that they are not fairly or equally treated by their employers (Josten Schalk, 2010). Recruitment and selection strategy must be effective, which means it must consider all relevant things and factors before hiring the employees such as expectation of the employee, nature of the work, necessary requirements of the employee, etc.. As all these factors help the organization to motivate their employees to work better in the organization and achieve goals. Recruitment strategy must consider internal sources for filling the job positions before choosing the applicants from outside, because if organization gives preference to the employees from outside then it demotivates the current employees in the organization. The recruitment and selection is the most important function of the human resource department and it is considered as the first step which creates competitive advantage and strategic advantage for the organization. It mainly involves the systematic procedure from sourcing of the candidates to arranging and conducting the interviews and it also requires different resources and time (Sisson, 1994). According to Hall and Torrington (1998), general process of recruitment includes following things, as it initiates with the department of human resources as they receive notification in regards of employee requirement from any department of the organization. After that they prepare job description and specification of required person. Locating and developing the sources of required number and type of employees. After that they identify the prospective employee with required characteristics and also arrange interviews with that prospective person. Last step includes the interview and decision making. After the completion of recruitment process organization starts selection process. Effective recruitment and selection strategy not only attract best talent in the organization, but it also considers some other factors such as motivation, training and development, etc. In other words, recruitment and selection has wide scope and it includes different things in its ambit. It mainly defines the process which is effective in nature and play most important role in the work performance because this is the only process through which organization can hire best employees and ensure best talent in their organization for the purpose of conducting their work. Two theories related to recruitment and selection strategy are stated below: Human capital theory: hotels must focus on the human capital theory for underlines the effective strategy related to recruitment and selection. As per this theory humans possess different capabilities, behavior and personal energy, and all these factors results in efficient human capital which also contributes in enhancing the work performance of the employees Resource based theory: as per this theory, organization can achieve competitive advantage if they have human capital which cannot be substituted by their competitors. For this purpose, hotels must evaluate their workforce on continuous basis for ensuring that they have right people who possess right skills (University of Gotthenburg, n.d.). Sources of Recruitment: There are two types of sources which can be used by the organization for recruiting and selecting the employees: Internal sources: sources which exist within the organization are known as internal sources such as transfer of employees, promotions, etc. in other words, if organization uses internal links for fill the job positions than it is known as internal sources of recruitment. External sources: if organization uses all other sources except internal sources then it is known as external sources (Schmidt and Hunter, 1998) Both the sources are considered as very important sources, and play important role in motivating the employees and ensure work performance. Internal sources include the internal recruitment for filling the job vacancies with current employees. It is considered as most common method, and includes informing the employees and motivates them to apply for those positions in which they are qualified or ask them for referrals and generally these referrals are other current employees of the organization. As per the experts, internal recruitment is better as compared to external recruitment and it play important role in enhancing the work performance of the organization. Internal recruitment boost the employees morale retains the employees. In other words, it motivates the employees to perform with their best ability for getting higher job positions. There is one disadvantage also that is internal recruitment results in lack of new ideas and sometimes hires employees who are less qualified fo r this job position. Additionally, Schmidt and Hunter (l998) stated that external recruitment is also effective in some particular situations which includes need of organization to attract and hire most qualified individuals who works effectively in some particular situations. External recruitments ensure pool of applications and provide different options to the organization and it also brings new ideas to the organization. However, recruitment from external sources required more training, and it also demotivates the current employees as they lose their opportunity to grow. External recruitment resources are useful for hiring the employees which possess necessary qualification, and must be used by organization in particular situations only, but it must be used after considering the internal factors. If employers only consider external sources for recruitment and selection then it will definitely affects the performance of current employees of the organization. Independent variable and dependent variable theory: There is clear connection between the Independent variable and dependent theory. Independent variable is considered as variable that can be changed or controlled, and dependent variable is the element which is depends on the independent variable. In this context, independent variables are motivation, training and development, sources of recruitment, etc. and on other side defendant variable is the employees performance. It must be noted that if any changes are made by the organization in independent variable then it clearly affects the dependent variable. HR managers can intervene for the purpose of developing employee ability, motivations, and opportunity for the purpose of maximizing the work performance in the organization. Some other factors are also there which must be consider by hotel industry because these factors also play important role in the success of the organization and also provides competitive advantage, and some of these factors are sources of recruitment and selection procedure, effective planning of this process, financial management, etc. Conclusion: After considering the above facts, it can be said that recruitment and selection procedure plays very important role in the performance of the employees, and through effective planning of recruitment and selection organization can attract and retain best talent for conducting their actions. This research study mainly provides the guidance for the organizations engaged in hospitality business for the purpose of improving their performance and to get competitive advantage over their competitors. As stated above, various factors are there which directly influence the performance of the organization, but effectiveness of HRM practices is considered as one of the biggest elements which indicate and determine the success of the organization in hotel business. If hotels properly evaluate the needs and necessary requirements of their organization and connect those requirements with the goals of the organization, then hotels will get the results which are desired by them and also help them growing on continuous basis. It must be noted that, performance of organization relied on individuals, and best method through which employees performance can be improved is hire those peoples who have competence and willingness to work in the organization. Quality of employees performance clearly depends on the function of ability, motivation and opportunity. Recommendations: On the basis of findings and conclusion stated above, this paper recommended following things to the hotel industry: Ministry of trade and tourism industry must develop guidelines for hotel industry in context of recruitment and selection, and these guidelines must be develop with the help of local government and other relevant authorities. Approval and renovation of license for hotel industry must be based on the evidences related to effective practices or recruitment and selection. Employers must consider internal sources of recruitment first and choose external sources in some particular conditions only References: Arnold, D. (1990). Career management. New York: Dryden Press. Bako, Y. Kolawole, O. (2016). Effect of Recruitment and Selection on Employee Performance in Hospitality Industries. International Journal of Social and Tourism Sciences Vol:10, No:5. Boxall, P., Purcell, J. (2011). Strategy and human resource management (3rd ed.). 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The validity and utility of selection methods in personnel psychology: Practical and theoretical implications of 85 years of research findings. Psychological Bulletin, 124, 262-274. Sisson Keith, (1994), Personnel Management, Blackwell, 2nd Edition. Smith, P.D. (2010). Increasing Productivity: Workforce Training and Development. The Bleaner. St-Onge, S., Morin, D., Bellehumeur, M., Dupuis, F. (2009). Managers motivation to evaluate subordinate performance. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal, 4(3), 273-293. Stone, R. (2005). Human Resource Management, Wiley, 2007. University of Gothenburg. Recruitment and selection. Retrieved on 24th February 2018 from: Watson, S. (2008). Where are we now? A review of management development issues in the hospitality and tourism sector: implications for talent management. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 20(7), 758-780. Wilton, N. (2011). An introduction to human resource management. UK: SAGE Publications. Zheng, Z., Hong, T. (2006). Competitive advantage through people. Great Britain: Harvard Business School Pres